I have come to realize that I am the best procrastinator in existence. Shesh, I dare anyone to challenge me!
You never will, will you?
Honestly, people who like my works, I am writing, drawing and video editing when I can.
Everyday without uploading an update or finishing one of the promised prize videos makes me very sad. I feel as though I am letting a lot of people down. You are good people who have been nothing but supportive when I got into the crazy but fun world of multimedia.<3.
You listened to my problems, gave me the kind of support I didn't think I would ever have from anyone and the comments, subscriptions, faves, alerts and watches make me happier than you could possibly know.
I have done my best to be supportive in return and review when I am able. I feel bad about faving and running, it's just that I do not always know what to say after reading or seeing something I really, really like, especially when better feedback than 'awesome' is requested.
And, I know I have been repeatedly making promises with no show. I hate that. I promise I do.
But, I am trying to work harder so I can make up for the mess.=(
I am truly sorry and everyone of you guys and gals are awesome for your patience about my stuff.
I just hope the stuff I have shall be up to par with your expectations.
As always, never hesitate to point out a nit-pick or critique me. I always appreciate it, even the blunt ones.=)
I wish you all the best of the best.
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